Reasons Why Dark Chocolate is So Healthy!
Mmhhh, that melt on the tongue, that full cocoa taste — a piece of chocolate is like balm for the soul . But our bodies also benefit from this sweet treat and it is amazing how many positive effects chocolate actually has on us. Why you should definitely treat yourself to a piece of it more often .
Dark chocolate keeps you full longer
However, it is not just the calories in the dark chocolate that are decisive when it comes to deciding which variant of the candy is healthier. The remaining nutritional values in the dark chocolate bar should also be taken into account. So contains 100 grams of milk chocolate an average of 5 grams of protein and an impressive 60 grams of sugar . The same amount of dark chocolate with a cocoa content of 100% has only 0.6 grams of sugar and 12 grams of protein .
Dark chocolate protects the arteries
The plant substances contained in the cocoa beans expand the blood vessels and ensure that the blood flows unhindered . If you suffer from hardening of the arteries (arteriosclerosis) and the associated walking difficulties, dark chocolate with at least 70 percent cocoa is a good aid. If you consume them regularly, however, you should limit the consumption of other sweets. At the same time, make sure you get enough exercise (for example, by going for a walk) and take dental care very seriously, as chocolate easily sticks to your teeth.
Dark chocolate lowers the risk of stroke
As it improves the flexibility of the arteries and counteracts disturbances of the blood flow , dark chocolate reduces the risk of stroke, according to the “Assmann Foundation for Prevention” . Just a few pieces a day are enough. Another tip: try the chocolate with apples . As researchers have found out, the skin of this fruit also contains an important plant substance that, in combination with dark chocolate, can break up blood clots and prevent a stroke.
Dark chocolate relieves stress
Is your body going crazy because you are exposed to an uncomfortable stressful situation? Even then, dark chocolate is a little savior in an emergency . Researchers from the Universities of Bern and Zurich came to the conclusion that chocolate with a high cocoa content inhibits the release of stress hormones and thus calms the soul. If the chocolate should help in the short term, take half a bar of it and you will immediately feel a lot better. If only everything were so easy!
Dark chocolate strengthens the heart
The flavonoids in dark chocolate can also help reduce the risk of a heart attack. As soon as the oxygen in the heart muscle decreases too much, these ingredients increase blood flow and ensure better blood flow. They expand the coronary arteries , even if they are calcified, and are therefore a great support for your heart.
Dark chocolate lifts the mood
That makes you happy! If your body lacks serotonin, the happiness hormone, enjoying dark chocolate will bring you back into balance and put you in a good mood. However, this is probably less related to its ingredients: Although dark chocolate contains tryptophan , like many other protein-containing foods, and therefore stimulates the formation of serotonin — the concentration of tryptophan is probably too low to have any noticeable effects. However, and this is no less important, many associate dark chocolate with positive feelings since childhood . After consuming it, years later they automatically feel more comfortable eating chocolate.
Dark chocolate helps with iron deficiency
Who would have thought that dark chocolate contains significantly more iron than, for example, spinach: With a quantity of 100 grams, chocolate contains around 7 milligrams, spinach only half . So if you would like to improve your iron levels, you are welcome to use the dark temptation. Just one piece contributes about a percentage of the daily iron requirement.
Dark chocolate reduces the risk of cancer
In an Italian study, researchers found that the catechins contained in cocoa, which are also part of the flavonoids, strengthen our defenses and even help protect against cancer. These plant substances bind toxins and thus reduce the risk of body cells being damaged and tumors forming.
Dark chocolate strengthens the memory
But that’s not all: According to a study by Columbia University in New York, dark chocolate candy bars even lead to improved brain performance, especially in older people. The substances contained in cocoa, in combination with sufficient exercise, can counteract forgetting, as they delay mental decline . So to keep your mental fitness going, you should use dark chocolate regularly — but always in moderation.
So, these are some of the most significant reasons that show why dark chocolate is so healthy! If you really want to buy best quality raw chocolate in USA, then your search must end at